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Skin condition

22 11:13:33

Our rabbit, Squishy, has recently been put under my responsibility, and his previous caretaker didn't take care of him as well as she should have. He seems to have crusty eyes and a weird skin condition. It's very dry and flaky, and I was wondering whether or not it was serious. If so, how do I fix it? Are there dandruff shampoos for bunnies? If not, what can I use? Will a mineral oil bath help?

He also has a wheeze, and were not sure if it's because he may be overweight or something else?

Thank you, K. Kelley

I might suggest a trip to a rabbit-knowledgeable veterinarian to see if the eye problem and the wheezing are part of an infection.  If so, they can be treated with antibiotics.  He certainly could also be wheezing because of his weight.

Flaky skin can be indicative of several different things, you can check and see if any of them seem to be the issue.

Hopefully you can get him back to good health and a normal weight and then things will be ok.
