Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbit has one black testicle

Rabbit has one black testicle

22 11:04:39

Hi Dana

We have a 6 month old buck called Magic (white and black speckly English/papillion breed). He's always been a quite sickly rabbit as we got him from a rescue centre and was told he was weaned too early and mistreated so he may have health problems in later life.
However we have just noticed that one of his testes is the usual pink colour but the left one has gone a blackish colour! He seems fine and healthy in himself but do you have any idea what this could be?

Dear Danny,

If the testicle now black was formerly pink, then I would get him to a good rabbit vet ASAP for evaluation.  The testicle could be abscessed and in need of removal (in fact, neutering will probably improve his overall health).

There's no reason a bunny who was weaned too young and neglected early in life can't have a good, healthy life if he's given proper care and a stress-free environment.  First step is to find a good vet for him who can keep him (and his testicles, if he keeps them) in the pink.  You can find one here:

Hope that helps!
