Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > URGENT Please re:Cockatiel noise, bunnies thumping

URGENT Please re:Cockatiel noise, bunnies thumping

22 9:46:21

Hi Dana, this isn't a health issue unless it's something that will physically hurt my rabbits' ears.

We have a lot of rescue bunnies and over time, they've gotten used to us bringing in guinea pigs (loud squeaking especially at dinner time), canaries (pretty quiet), budgies screeching when excited, and our finches which are fairly quiet.

I just adopted 2 cockatiels and since I've put them in the diningroom, they've been constantly loud chirping.  I can hear some of my rabbits right now as I type this, thumping upstairs, upset by it.

I'm really disheartened, I don't want to upset the rabbits and afraid they'll get stress related gas problems but I'm feeling a little panicky now with the 'tiels' making so much noise when I was told they were pretty quiet.  I realize they have to chirp and it's a good sign actually.

Do you believe the rabbits will get used to them?  I hope so and do you think they'll get sick over it?  I hope not.

Really hoping to hear from you as soon as possible.

Thanks so much (I just heard a VERY LOUD thump!)


Dear Paula,

The bunnies may get used to the cockatiels squeaking, but this will happen faster if they can *see* the source of the noise.  I'd suggest that you let the bunnies be in the room with the tiels and they will then make the connection that this little bird is the source of the scary noise.

I've noticed that my bunnies may be startled by strange noises, but once they can see the source and know it's not a threat, they calm right down.

I hope this will help.
