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My rabbit has a lump

22 11:34:49

We recently moved to Hacienda Heights CA right next to a nature reserve. Lately I noticed Foof (my rabbit) has two large lumps on his stomach with big black things in the middle. I popped them and sooooooo much thick cream colored
puss came out. The bigger bump was very hard and when I finally unclogged it a huge worm came out, it was about an inch long (I thought it was his intestence at first because it was so deep) I dont know what it was. I was thinking it
could have been a tick that burrowed in and turned into a worm or something along those lines. Anyways, today (3 days later) I took another look at him and they were filled with
puss again very thick and very deep (it was disgusting) and I cleaned out so much of it and there was a huge whole in his stomach afterwards and VERY deep and I noticed that about an inch away from the bumps, there are big bumps inside him like something is still in there maybe. I tried to push it up and out but it wont budge and I squeezed it hard inside him but it didn't pop or move, so I just poured alot of peroxide in the whole and came online to see if I can get help. What do you think the big bump is inside and what should I do? We put advantage flea and tick for cats on him 3 days ago so he shouldn't get anymore ticks or fleas but I'm freaking out about the bumps inside him. I read about myiasis or maggot infestation and the worm did look like a maggot
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Thank You

You keep the rabbit outside?  This sounds a lot like the cuterebra fly.  There is info about this at

In general, you don't want to remove them yourself because if the larvae die, they release toxins that can kill the rabbit.

I would take him to a vet to have the rest of them removed, and consider moving him inside for the rest of the summer.

Flea medication will do nothing for these critters, they are a type of fly.
