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Sad and Cold Ears?

22 10:03:24


My pet rabbit Peaches has been seeming sad recently.  At least that's what it seems like.  She has been using the restroom normally and has been drinking and eating like normal. She's not excited to come out of her cage and has been laying down a lot more.  Yesterday I thought she might have had a tummy-ache because she got a few too many treats, but now I'm a little concerned.  She's done this kind of thing before and has been fine, but this morning and afternoon her ears have been feeling a little cold.  Should I call the vet or should I look for other symptoms first?

-Thank you

Dear Kate,

Please read this for information on how to find out if Peaches needs the help of a vet:

Cold ears don't necessarily indicate low body temperature, but her lethargy and poor appetite suggest that she may need to be seen by an experienced rabbit vet, to be on the safe side.  Please find one here:

Hope she'll be fine soon.
