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Rabbits foot lifting reaction..

22 10:20:59

Hi Dana, Hopefully you might be able to help me here..
Our little rabbit has some kind of reaction when you rub his cheek or chin, his little foot lifts up on the side you touch, it doesn't seem to hurt him at all, he likes having a chin rub, but his front foot always lifts up, do you think that there is anything wrong or is it just like how dogs kick their leg when you scratch thier belly?
Thanks in advance, your help is appreciated :)

Dear Luke,

Yep, rabbits have a licky response, and sometimes a kicky response when you scritch their ears or cheeks.  Not all rabbits have the same reflex, but the one in which he lifts his foot as if to scratch his ear when you rub his ear is pretty common.

Other bunnies may have a "licky reflex" which causes them to want to lick things when you either rub their ears or scratch the area just above the tail.  Pretty cute.  :)

If you suspect your bunny has itchy ears, though, please read:

and have him checked (and treated, if necessary), for fur mites by an experienced rabbit vet:

Hope this helps!
