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Fur mites

22 9:46:10

I have a 14 month old female Holland lop rabbit. She lives outside in a hutch. She seems to be balding on her head, ears, and back. I also looked in her fur and it looked like there was dirt and dandruff. Is this fur mites? If so how can I treat it? I've heard that Revolution for kittens works. Also how can I prevent this from happening again?I also have a male rabbit that lives seperatly. How can I prevent the mites from passing to him?


Hi Kylie,

Without seeing it I can't tell you what it is.  I can tell you that if treat it with Revolution and it gets better it was probably mites.  If you treat it and it doesn't get better then the rabbit could be molting, have ringworm or it could not be being fed properly.  The best way to find out is to schedule an appointment with a rabbit savvy vet.

Good luck
