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Duration of treatment

22 11:05:35

Hi Dana!

Me Again! Sorry to ask another question but I want to make sure that Lola is receiving the correct duration of treament.

She is doing a little better. I have padded a large dog crate out with vet bed and she is now able to 'crawl' around without rolling. She is eating lots of greens and some fruit when I have been dippig in water before giving to her and munch on a little bit of hay. I am still syringing water as she is not able to drink from a bottle and will not use a bowl. My vet has put her on Baytril and panacur. Can I ask how long this treatment should go on for? I was under the impression she she be treated over a matter of weeks yet they have only given me 5 days of Baytril and one syringe of  panacure.
Many Thanks In Advance.


Dear Sally,

If this is for head tilt (sorry, but I get hundreds of questions each week, and I'm not remembering what Lola's specific problem was), then the antibiotics need to be given for longer than 5 days.  That's an *extremely* short course, and I wouldn't give antibiotics for that short a time for any infection at all.

Panacur for worms is given once, and then again in ten days.  But if it's being given for E. cuniculi, it should be given at a dose of 20mg/kg once per day for 28 days.  If your vet isn't doing this, then please find another, more rabbit-savvy vet here:

for a second opinion.

I hope this helps.
