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Baby rabbits 5 days old

22 9:49:36

I have a female rabbit (rex) who had 7 babies Friday July 15th.  I go check on them everyday and they are doing great, fat little bellies and very squirmy.  I went in to check on them today and she had peed all over them.  They are all huddled together but soaked in pee and the poor little things stink..  I've read that that means shes trying to kill them.  Is that true?  After 5 days of being a wonderful mama?  Do I need to take them out?  I have had many litters but never this problem.

hi kristin at 5 days old i dont think she will kill them -you dont say what is in the box ' if it is hay put some more in and you can remove the doe then dry each baby with a warm hair dryer.
put them back and cover them up then re introduce the doe and all should be ok.