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Bathing baby rabbit

22 11:11:45

Mr. Meyer,
I have an almost 3 week old baby rabbit that was orphaned. It takes its formula well, but is a rather messy eater and ends up with formula on its paws and head. I have tried to clean it off using warm water on a cotton ball, but there is still a sticky residue from the formula. What do you suggest as far as cleaning little rabbits like this? Is there anything safe to use on the rabbit to clean it? The nearest rabbit vet is easily an hour away, and I'm just scared our little one isn't up for a trip that long yet, so any information you have about cleaning off the KMR/goat milk residue would be great.  Thanks so much for your time.

Hi Betsy,

first of all, thank you for taking the time to care for this little guy.  I am sure one day he will be able to thank you properly for loving him.

You could try baby wipes to see if that will help get it off.  Or a very soft wet cotton hand towel.  It will probably require patience and time if it is really on there, but that is basically what a mothers' grooming would do.

If he gets too wet, just make sure to dry him off with a dry towel.

Also, I have some good House Rabbit Society articles you may want to read and print out/save:

Again, thanks for caring about this little guy.  He wouldn't have a chance without you taking care of him.
