Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Will my rabbits fight?

Will my rabbits fight?

22 10:32:32

I just bought a baby Dwarf rabbit. I already have a 2 year old friendly albino rabbit who is very kind to me and my 2 cats. Ive heard that rabbits will fight. I really want them to be together (if its ok for them to be together) so they can play with each other but Iam afraid my large albino rabbit will hurt the baby. One is a boy one is a girl...will they still fight?

Dear Faleshia,

Yes, rabbits can fight ferociously when first introduced, and it's important to not let this happen, as serious or even fatal injuries can result.

Before you introduce the rabbits to each other, please read the tips and instructions in the articles here:

It's important to do this carefully and gradually.  The male might try to mate with the female, and it is *very* important that this not be allowed to escalate into a fight.  Please read:


and find a good vet here:

I hope this will help get you started.
