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rabbits age

22 11:14:49

how can you tell how old your rabbit is?
i have a rabbit that i have had since i was 2 or 3 years old and i want to know how old he is because he wasnt newborn when i got him.

Unfortunately, there is no good way to tell how old a rabbit is. After about 3 years or 4 years, the coat often gets a little rougher and thinner, but all that tells you is the rabbit is middle-aged or older. The teeth can also give you an idea, but it is not very accurate. Again, a rabbit that was 2-3 years old would have horn-coloured teeth (not bright white), but as you have had your rabbit at least 2 years, you already know he is at least 2 years old. Even veterinarians cannot very accurately figure out a rabbit's age. All they can do is give you an estimate of it's age.