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Pet rabbit

22 9:46:30

We saved a rabbit from being euthanized from a 4th of July gathering in Lex, KY...that was 7 years ago.  All this time the rabbit has lived in a hutch specifically made for a rabbit gotten at Wal-Mart.  We have never been able to play with the rabbit.  The rabbit growls and bites.  I had considered setting the rabbit free if only to live as a rabbit for one day, but the rabbit is over-weight and I am scared that she just would not survive.  I bought a harness to take her outside but she will NOT let you put it on.  I tried a slow method of showing it to her, than putting it on for just a minute...the next day 5 minutes and so on.  well she ate it.  I am beside myself with worry that this poor critter is living a terrible life as a prisoner of no crime.  I have 2 big dogs and 4 cats...but they dont mind her at all.  When we have let her out she just cowers in the corner and wont move for hours other than very heavy breathing.  I pet her every day and we feed her fresh veggies and rabbit food and keep her hutch clean, but regardless its cruel for her to get no exercise.  She chews on electric wires is why we never let her out besides the biting thing.  HELP?

hi Shea you have a very old grumpy lady who now she is old will not change her ways.
if you let her go she would not survive in the wild.
have you considered making her a run so she can have the freedom of this to walk about without the dogs and cats interfering.