Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my bunny hit his head

my bunny hit his head

22 10:19:53

I was holding my bunny after playing with him and as I was returning him to his cage he jumped out of my hands and hit the top of his head against  a curve in the cage and now it looks like his hair on the top of his head is matted down like a curve, this happened yesterday and the hair on his head still has a matted curve in it. He seems fine but will his hair ever look the same?

Dear Andrew,

I would worry less about the fur than the underlying bone.  I would take your bunny to a good rabbit vet, whom you can find here:

for an exam to be sure that there is no dangerous damage that needs medication or treatment.

I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way that most rabbits do NOT like to be held and carried.  Your bunny is lucky he did not suffer a life-threatening injury.  I know you'll much more careful in the future to handle him at ground level, where he feels safe, and to have a cage that he can enter and exit himself, without your having to lift him.

Good luck,
