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Poorly bunny - fox attack

22 10:42:32

Hi, i'm looking for some advise about my 1yr old bunny dillan. He was attacked last night by a Fox in our garden and luckily managed to get away pretty much unscathed. I took him to our vet this morning who advised that he may have a punctured lung (no puncture wounds though) gave him a steiroid injection and has given me antibiotics to try and fight any infection. I just want to know if there is anything else i can do to try and perk the little guy up as he looks so sad and scared. He has just started drinking so fingers crossed he will be ok, but i heared that the shock may get to him after the event so want to do anything i can to get him better.... any suggestions would be really great.

Dear Ellie,

Wow, what a terrible scare!  I'm glad Dillan escaped with his life.  

When a rabbit is this distressed, your vet did exactly the right thing.  The only thing you can do is keep him quiet and warm, and stroke and calm him, letting him know he's okay.

That he started drinking is a very good sign.  I hope he is feeling better by now, and that he'll never be outside alone again as long as there are foxes about.

If you have a fenced yard, I can suggest good ways to fox-proof the fence.  If you are interested in this, please write to me at and I'll explain what we've done to exclude foxes and cats from our yard.

Please let me know your little guy is okay, if you have time.

Take care,