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Domestic rabbit abandoned in wild

22 10:04:17


Is there an easy way to tell a domestic rabbit from a wild rabbit?  I think there may be a pair of abandoned domestic rabbits living in my parent's yard, but I am unsure.  They are not the typical brown color that I usually see in Southeastern Michigan.  If they are not wild, I want to get them to a rescue.


Dear Kelly,

In your area, the Eastern Cottontail is pretty much the only wild rabbit you're likely to see.  These are agouti-brown, as you have described, and the bottom surface of the tail is bright white.  The nose is quite pointed, and the ears are relatively short--shorter than the length of the head.  

The feet are also diagnostic:  very tiny, and pretty much able to fit on a dime.  Domestic bunny feet tend to be larger and more "shovel-shaped", adapted as they are for digging.

The real test might be the level of nervousness.  If these are cotties, then when you approach them they will likely take off like lightning, their white tails curled up behind them along the back, warning all other cotties in the area to beware.  A domestic rabbit will often be less nervous, and may even be friendly.  A wild cottontail will never let you approach unless he's ill.

You can see pictures of Eastern Cottontails (Sylvilagus floridianus) here:

(Note that their fur might be thicker, now that it's winter).  Domestic rabbits with wild coloring (descended from the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculi) can be seen here:

Hope this helps you identify the visitors correctly.

Good luck!
