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Sick Bunny.

22 10:25:32

i just recently bought a baby bunny, who wasnt very lively, we thought he was just mellow, but after the next day wed noticed hed not pooped or peed once, nor eaten. also his tummy was swollen and hard. so 3 days after wed gotten him, he stopped moving, and could barely keep his little head up, so we decided to bring him to the vet the next morning( for some stupid reason they close early).so around midnight i went to pet him, and he jumped away from me, i picked him up and he squeeked, then his breathing slowed down, and a few minutes later he died on my lap. i was just wondering what could have been wrong, cause i dont want the same thing to happen to any of my other bunnies,and with a litter on the way, im just worrying.

Hello, Adam

Well As I did say I cannot answer all Questions but I try my best to help with all my expirience! So this is what I do not know but I'm tyring my best to help!

There can be many reasons to this. It can be that before you got your rabbit it was not feed rightly or treated badly. Maybe it was taken away from the mother too early so its just angry! So I will advise your next rabbit you get you bet it from a rabbit breeder or a nursry. They are treated better than the pet stores.

From nihaam...
Wish you the best with your next rabbit!