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rabbit in labour?

22 11:13:41

My female rabbit had 4 babies 5 months ago. All went well, babies healthy. She is preg again, i kno this because i can see them moving, she had one yesterday but it was dead, it looked as if it was prem. She did not attempt to eat it so we took it out. Im pretty sure she is still preg as i can see her belly moving but nothing has happened. Could it be there is too many and she started early and managed to stop labour?

Dear Emma,

If she had one baby, it's likely that she will soon give birth to the rest, unless she is having trouble.  Please read:

Normal gestation is 28-31 days, so if it goes much beyond that you need to get her to a good rabbit vet for an examination to be sure she's okay:

Most importantly, please read this:

Hope that helps!
