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Is my bunny Pregnant

22 10:18:50

Hi, i have a two year old loppy eared bunny. We wanted to breed her but we don't know if she really is pregnant. It has been about a full week sense she has been with the male bunny and we have notice somethings different about her like we have to feed her more often and she has been in bad mood where all she would do is run from us. She doesn't like us touching her because she jumps as if she is startled and sometimes tries to bite us. Is this some way of telling us she is pregnant or is this just a mood??? And wat other signs will there be for being pregnant??

The best way to tell if a rabbit is actually pregnant is by palpation of her stomach, however i don't suggest doing this unless you have some one who is familiar with this helping you.  My suggestion is just assuming that she is and treating her as such, you should know in about 3 weeks on if she took.

Because I am not clear on details, I am going to give you some pretty basic advice then send you on to some websites with more detailed information.

1. Make sure you have the male and female rabbit separated, if she stays with the male, either one of them could kill the babies and she could get pregnant immediately after giving birth, which is hard on a female and can cause complications.

2.  Keep track of when you bred, rabbits gestation is about 27-32 days long, generally birth happens on 31st day. But i have had does kindled (give birth)at 25 days.

3. Make sure to give her a nestbox on about the 28th day, this way she has time to build a nest but doesn't use it as a litter box.

4. Check out these websites on breeding rabbits for some great information

Good luck