Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Torticullis


22 11:20:12

Hi Dana.  I have a 3 year old female lop rabbit.  She has been housetrained to use a litter tray and lives in the house with us.  However, 3 weeks ago she was rolling around on the floor so I rushed her to the vet who diagnosed torticullis (head tilt, wry neck).  3 weeks later Shes still a bit unsteady on her feet but eating enough for 3 rabbits. Her head is still down when she rests but upright when she moves around.  Unfortunately my problem is that she is pooing and weeing anywhere she likes.  Whilst ive let her do this for the last 2 weeks because she was so poorly Im now starting to try and litter train her again.  Is there a reason why she is doing this?  Will I be able to succeed litter training her?  I really dont want to put her in a cage because I think she would be so depressed. Thanks for your help

Dear Janet,

First of all, please see:

for more information on the possible causes and treatment of torticollis in rabbits (consider the possibility of E. cuniculi, if there is no pus to culture).  

We had a perfectly litter trained bunny who developed a tilt, and had that same litterbox problem as your bunny.  We solved it by buying a really wide tray with a lowered side (I think they're sold as *dog* litterboxes), and she found that quite easy to enter and exit.  Her litterbox habits came back into normal specs, and as her tilt got better, so did her toilet habits.  You just have to give it a little time and patience.

Hope this helps!
