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bobby bunnys strange head tilt?

22 9:52:45

Dear Dr Dana,

i have a 7months old bunny named bobby. he was desexed 2 months ago and had stasis for 2 weeks after the surgery, and then exibited very mild head tilt towards both sides. mainly he would tilt around half a minute or less at around a 45 degree angle, then straighten back up again. he was on panacur and meloxicam for 2 weeks but tested negative to E.Coliculi and then was on antibiotics for 4.5 days. i havent been noticing anything getting worse so far, but i wanted to know if u have any thought about it?

thank you for your time.

Dear Liz,

Head tilt (torticollis) can have several different origins, including trauma, E. cuniculi, ear infection (middle or inner), brain tumor or abscess, etc.  The cause of the problem will determine the appropriate treatment.  Please read:


for more information.  I hope your little one will have complete resolution of the tilt with proper medication.
