Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sick eye

sick eye

22 11:14:13

do you know anything i can use to treat a 4 month old rabbit's sick eye?

Hi Morgan,

without knowing what the actual problem is, I cannot recommend anything.  It is unwise to try to treat a symptom of a problem without fully understanding the cause of the problem.  Otherwise you might end up treating it with something that does no good, or worse, allows the injury to continue to worsen.

The best thing to do is get to your regular rabbit vet and have them determine the cause of the eye problem, and then set up a course of treatment.  They have access to antibiotics that work really well on rabbits, that you and I cannot get on our own.

Please get to your vet as soon as possible, as you don't want the condition to get worse, and if infection is involved, grow into other places in the head area.

If you need to locate a good rabbit vet, go to:\vets

and find a House Rabbit Society-recommended vet in your area.
