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rabbits pee

22 10:32:22

I have asked this question before, but i am still not sure.
My rabbits pee is red. Actually, im not even sure if it's blood out not. Some people say it's pigments or dyhdraytion.
I believe both of those. No change of diet has occured although my rabbit does not drink much. I don't know why.
My first question is- is it blood?
2nd- Why is my rabibt not drinking

Dear Susie,

Rabbit urine can vary in color from pale yellow to orange to red or even brown, sometimes depending on what the rabbit is eating, medications, or even because of emotional stress.  But the only way to know if it's really blood (and you DO need to find out) is to have your vet take a look and examine the urine for signs of red blood cells.  If this is an unspayed female, it could be blood which is a sign of a serious uterine problem such as cancer.  Please find a good vet here:

and read:


If the bunny is not drinking enough, try providing water in a heavy ceramic crock (washed and changed daily), as rabbits usually will drink more from a bowl than from a sipper bottle.  Provide plenty of fresh, wet greens daily as a supplement, which will help with hydration.

I hope this helps get you started.
