Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > 3 month bunny and her diet

3 month bunny and her diet

22 10:41:29

Hello, I recently adopted a baby bunny from a breeder (so I guess it's not really adoption) in Moscow.  She's 3 months on September 22nd.  I was wondering when i can start introducing treats and things into her diet.  I have already gotten her used to the food I feed her and I think her tummy is ready.  Also, at what age is hay okay?  The breeder didn't really say anything about that and when I took her to the vet last week she didn't question me when I said I wasn't giving the bunny any.  Thanks in advance!

Dear Rachel,

At three months, you can start introducing just about any type of food, and she should already be eating hay.  Please see:

for complete information on healthy rabbit diet and how to gradually introduce new items.  And be sure to visit:

for all the best information on proper care of your new pal.

Good luck!
