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rabbits housed inside

22 10:21:06

Hi Dana,

I am a rabbit lover and rabbits have been my first love, friend and companion since I was a child. My most recent and long term companion is 2 years old. Concerned family members have also asked me this question. Is it allright if saliva gets shared with my companion? She has been with me for 2 years and we share snacks and everything. She is housed inside and we share a room. So far I haven't noticed any problems so why would anyone be worried? Thanks, Sam

Dear Sam,

The bacteria in your saliva would be more dangerous to Sam than hers would be to you.  But if you've seen no problems, then she has likely developed an immunity/tolerance for your native E. coli bacteria, and will be fine.  

Baby rabbits are very susceptible to potentially fatal intestinal overgrowths of E. coli bacteria from human handling.  But an adult rabbit with a mature immune system is not so susceptible, unless otherwise compromised by illness.

Keep on sharing those snacks.  It shouldn't be a big deal--especially on your end.

Hope this helps.
