Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Nuts for Nori!?

Nuts for Nori!?

22 10:19:59

Greetings! I've been directed to you by the good folks at because I had a question that no one knew the answer to.

I'm a fan of sushi, and one of the primary components of sushi is a dried, pressed seaweed paste called nori. The other night I wanted to give my new bunny Layla a treat, but I didn't have any greens or fruit on hand. I did however have some nori. A friend of mine used to give it to his small animals and they LOVED it. So, I ripped a small piece off of a sheet and held it out - Layla went nuts for it!

I did a bit more research and found out that rabbits in the wild will sometimes eat seaweed in winter times when they're able. Do you know if its safe to feed nori to my rabbit? I know its high in calcium, zinc, and iodine. It also has a bit of sodium, but the amount is ~6mg for a full sheet, and she got a small fraction of a sheet.

Any help would be really appreciated.
If you're not familiar with nori - here's a wikipedia article:

Thank you so much!
Matthew J. Sarro

Dear Matthew,

I can't imagine that a bit of nori would hurt your bunny.  Because it's dried, the nutrients will be more concentrated than in fresh algae.  So use with caution, to avoid overloading your bunny with calcium or other things that could have unpredictable results in high concentrations.

Hope that helps.
