Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Aggressive Mother

Aggressive Mother

22 9:53:49

My Bunny is bieng agressive towards her babies she has never done that before she grunts at them and chases them, why?
Does this mean they are rady to "leave the nest"

Dear Bonny,

How old are the babies?  If they are about 8 weeks of age, she may be wanting them to stop weaning at this point.

Please see:

and especially:

If the babies are still very small, you may have a problem.  She should not be aggressive towards them until they are weaning.  If they are under 7 weeks, you might need to separate them from mother if she is really being a threat.

If she has been with a male since giving birth, she may be pregnant again, and this could explain her uncharacteristic aggression.
