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rabbit with head tilt and nystagmus

22 10:12:30

Is there anything i can do for my rabbit without having to take it to the vet to help the head tilt and nystagmus. i read that it is probably otitis interna because it's tilting its head to the right and moving its eyes from left to right (usually together) and cirling the same direction. i have only had the bunny for 4 days and it's 7 weeks old... it started with these symptoms this morning... it also has loose stole.

Dear Michelle,

To answer your question, no.  There is no way for you to treat this without the help of a rabbit-savvy vet, whom you can find here:

The condition may well be caused by an infection, or it could be due to trauma or other cause.  Only a vet who gets the full history will be able to properly diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Please read:

for complete information.  But if you love your bunny, don't wait for it to become a life-threatening condition (which it could!).  Get him to a good vet NOW for treatment.

I hope this helps.
