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Well water for bunnies

22 9:46:08

My family  has a lovely bonded pair of bunnies. We've recently moved to the country where we dont have regular "tap" water. We have a well. Sometimes when it comes out, it's brown. Especially if people have used a lot of the water and the well is running low. Is this water safe for rabbits to drink?

Hi Caleb,

We use well water and our bunnies are fine.  I guess it depends on how safe it is for you.  If it is a public well it would have to be safe.  If you own the well you can have the water tested.  Our well turns brown if the water has not run in a while.  If you let it run it clears up.  I am not really sure how you would tell if it is safe.  You could get a filter for your tap.

You would be better off asking someone in the home improvement section.  I really can't tell you for sure if your water is safe.

Good luck
