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newborn holland kits

22 11:07:36

I have 5 newborn kits that were kindled overnight.  It is around 30 degrees
outside and I am concerned about them.  I have them in a small barn. I moved
a heat lamp closer to their cage with was further away.  I checked
them this morning and they were cold but not stiff.  They kind of stretched
when I was checking their bellies.  I could not tell if they were breathing or
not...I am new at this and am not sure how to check this on a newborn kit.  I
don't think it helped being so cold outside either.  Mom also had the kits
separated on two ends of he nest box...any reason for this?  I put them all
back in together for heat purposes.  Also, she has a ton of fur in the box and
had thrown out the straw I had put in there...should I try more straw or not?  
Thank you for your time and help!  

kits should be alert, active and warm. they should kinda pop like popcorn when touched. she may have separated out the colder ones, or the babies may have moved themselves. If she has plenty of fur, don't add straw on top, the babies should be fine. Try mounting the light just a foot or two above her pen to keep the babies warm. If they were moving then they were breathing, but the temperature of them needs to be really warm.