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rabbit not eating properly

22 10:55:39

Our rabbit who is between 5 -7 years old did not eat anything on all day three days ago. She is behaving quite normally with the other rabbits etc. We gave her some papaya juice and since then she is eating some vegetables and hay and paper! but no dry food which she usually loves. She is drinking and her faeces look normal.We have also been giving her carrot baby food with ground dried food in it by syringe.We have had rabbits for years and often have had not very good experience with vets. What do you suggest that we do?
Thanks for your help.

Dear Joyce,

A rabbit who is reluctant to eat, but who is otherwise acting normal and producing normal fecal pellets may be suffering from molar spurs or other dental pain making it uncomfortable to eat.  Please read:

But also please read:

in case it's something more sinister than dental problems (which can be pretty sinister on their own).  In any case, this type of problem does warrant a trip to the vet, but only a good, experienced *rabbit* vet.  If you've been mainly to vets who see mostly dogs and cats, then I can understand your reticence to go.  Many of them don't know much about rabbits, and can do more harm than good.

But you should be able to find an experienced rabbit vet in your area here:

I wish I could tell you that this is something you can deal with at home.  But it really isn't.  I hope you can get her to a good rabbit vet ASAP before this problem develops into something more serious.

Hope this helps.
