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Holland Lop false PG or lost litter??

22 11:31:14

My holland lop doe was 31 days due 3/15/05.I felt two almond size bumps the week earlier and I felt kicks just a few days before but on Tuesday she went into her nest which she didn't build, I did. She didn't pull hair but she sat in her nest for about an hour and started doing something, moving around a lot and it smelled like wet hay. She came out and her belly and bottom area were all wet but there were no babies, no blood, nothing but wet on her. She couldn't have eaten them could she? Her mouth wasn't green, yellow, red or wet (she's white). It was more like she urinated all over. I changed all her litter and cleaned everything up fresh for her after that. She is normally really docile, doesn't bite and she's an indoor rabbit. The next day she started digging in her litter box and for the last two days thats all she's done is dig, now I feel like I threw her baby out or something or that she's looking for it. I couldn't feel much on palpation & she's been doing laps around her pen which is new also. I've never seen a baby holland lop but I'm assuming they're about the size of a mouse or bigger and I didn't see that or anything moving. What might have happened here? I am just confused about this whole thing. I have another question to another person her about her because now she has a really strong musky smell that is like a goat or something. Thank you for your help. We want to breed her one time and than have her spayed.

Hollands are the most difficult to breed successfully.  I never had any luck with them and got rid of all of mine.  She could have broke her water, but should have had them by now and you would have noticed the kits even if they were dead.  Give her more straw to build a new nest and see what happens.  You would have noticed that she ate them too, so I don't think that was the problem either.

As for spaying, I am not a fan of the practice.  Rabbits do not do well in surgery and many of my friends have lost their pet in surgery thinking they were doing the right thing by spaying.  If you are going to spay, the one litter rule is really a wive's tale.
