Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My bunny kisses not just me, but even those who handle him for first time

My bunny kisses not just me, but even those who handle him for first time

22 9:41:32

Hello ,
I have got a new baby bunny around one month back,from the day 1 he started to lick us but when my friend came to home & she patted her,bunny started to lick her also.Although he remains with me in most of the part of day,he licks my brother more?

Dear Prateeksha,

Bunnies lick to show affection, and there's no telling whom a bunny will choose to bestow his/her love.  Since your bunny is so loving to everyone, it's a GOOD thing.  You need not be jealous.  She has enough love to go around.

For all the best information on caring for your new pal, please go to:

A good place to start is:

Note that many baby bunnies from pet stores are actually too young to be weaned, and can be very susceptible to intestinal infections that can be fatal.  Please read this:

to be aware of what to look for and what to do if you see *any* sign of lethargy or runny stool.

Good luck!
