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Poopy on bottom

22 10:04:23

My little Shadow has poopy on his bottom right near his boy parts. He had it about 8 months ago and I was taking him to the vet for scratching his eye and the dr just cut it off. I have tried to get it gently with wipies and had no luck, and he runs if I try to hold him and take a warm washcloth to it. Is there anything else I can do or do I take him to the vet? Also just in the past couple weeks I swear I hear him (his cage is in the family room with us) make noises. They almost sounds like a little cry?  Is there something wrong with him or is it from the feces on him? Thank you for your help!!!!

Hi Michele. A healthy rabbit usually does not get a dirty bottom. This does not mean that he is sick but that there is some sort of problem. It can be health related or food related. Do you give your bunny hay? If not he should have some every day. It keeps his intestines functioning well and keeps down troubles. If your bunny is making noises I would suggest that you take him to the vet and have him cleaned and checked. Intestinal parasites can also cause a bunny to have a dirty bottom. It needs to be checked out. Also there is a lot of feed problems right now. I would suggest that you try changing feed if the vet doesn't find anything wrong. Go see the vet first though and rule out any health problems. Then try changing feed and adding hay to his diet. Also don't give him any fresh food until you get the problem cleared up as this will just add the problem right now. Let me know what you find out and if there is any way I can help further.  pat