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rabbit peeing and pooping on bed

22 10:27:49

Dear Sarah,
I need your advice. My rabbit is a Holland lop dwarf maybe three years old (from humane society so not sure), neutered, house rabbit (literally runs around my apartment at all times and has a litter box in the bathroom).  Now to the problem.  About two weeks ago he started pooping on my bed when he got on it.  It seemed strange but I picked it up and threw it out and got over it.  Then he pooped AND peed in my bed!  HUGE ordeal to clean up, figured it was just a fluke, nope, it kept happening.  I spent hours cleaning mattresses, doing laundry, etc. I started picking Peanut up and taking him off the bed whenever he would get on.  So I would come home to work to a urine soaked mattress covered in pee.  Meanwhile, he's still using his litter box and isn't peeing anywhere else (so I don't think it's a bladder infection)EXCEPT twice I closed the bedroom door so he couldn't go in at all and he peeing in spots that have been hot spots in the past in the bathroom.  Bedroom door open, back to peeing and pooping on the bed.  I feel terrible about closing the bedroom door because that's kind of "his room" and it seems to stress him out. I didn't want to compromise his immune system with stress.  All of his stuff is in there, that's where he sleeps during the day, and he looked absolutely miserable the day and the night I kept the door to the bedroom closed.  So instead, I got a plastic tarp/plastic piece and placed it over my bed.  I thought it may not be comfy for him and/or that it would smell unexciting and make him not want to pee/poop (and obviously would save my poor bed).  Well, he goes right ahead on pees and poops on the plastic.  I'm beside myself because I can't live life with plastic on my bed forever trying to usher Peanut off the bed whenever he gets on plus I don't want to sleep under plastic and I feel just awful closing the bedroom door.  Why has this habit happened?  What does it mean?  And How can I get it to stop?  I did get a new job almost a month a ago. I am not home as much but there's not much I can do about that and I've tried to give him as much attention as possible when I am home.  He didn't start this until two weeks after the job started either.  Otherwise everything has been the same. No new people, sheets, nothing. He's the only animal in the apartment.  Please help!!

hello becka

well your rabbit has definatley regresses an awful lot. usually a trained rabbit may have a few accidients but never as much as that. i would start from the beggining again and train him exactly how you did before he was trained

please dont feel bad by not letting him in the room, you are trying to get him to stop. he may learn from this
