Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > swollen privates

swollen privates

22 10:28:00

My daughter's rabbit has swollen ??testicles?? I assume that it is a male. It has been outside part of the time, and inside during the hot days. I think that it is swollen, but I am not sure. I don't remember what they are supposed to look like down there to know for sure. If it is swollen, what can I do to help it.

Hi Sheala

If you think that the bunny is in pain or has an abnormal look to his testicles then you should really take him to a rabbit savvy vet for an examination.  It could have easily snagged them on the cage or damaged them in some other way.  They can also get abscesses, tumors etc.  When the weather is hot they tend to appear bigger.  By letting them hang they can get rid of some of the excess body heat.  

Again if you feel that anything is abnormal you should have him examined.  There are all sorts of infections and problems and it is better to be safe than sorry.

This site describes bunny anatomy.  I tried to find a picture for you but unfortunately I can't locate one at the moment.   Hopefully this will help:

If you have any further questions please let me know.

