Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > My Rabbit is gonna die.

My Rabbit is gonna die.

22 10:16:06

i just saw my rabbit..
he wasn't ill till evening.
he was feeling very weak
trying to move his legs
later couldn't move them
he's still breathing
rather trying to breathe.
We can't get a vet. at this time.
It's 12 in the night here in India.
He was normal.
He might have suffered through a heart attack if he saw a cat.
There are some wild cats that roam around our house lately.
Or he may have suffered through food poisoning.
Any idea what should i do?
Will he be able to suffer this shock?
Please help....

Dear Ashwin,

Please use the instructions here to help him, if possible:

It is vital to keep his body temperature normal.  Bring him inside to a dark, quiet place and keep him very calm and quiet.  If he has been in the heat, he could have heat stroke.  I don't know enough about what conditions he's been in to know.  But if he is overheated, he will need to be iced.

If he is hypothermic, he will need to be warmed.  The instructions above will help you take his temperature.

Without knowing what happened to him, I cannot easily help you with what to do next.  I hope there is an emergency veterinarian you can find, once he is stabilized.
