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Small Bump

22 11:23:12

Hello Dana,

I have an eight year old, female mini-rex.  I noticed a little bump on her back.  It's about 1/4 the size of a pencil eraser.  It is not visible on the skin, and it is mobile.  It is not attached to anything beneath the skin.  When I touch it she doesn't flinch or show any signs of pain.

She just had a check up at her vet last week and came out with a perfect bill of health.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Dear Sarah,

If it's not attached to underlying muscle or tissue, and is moving freely, then it might just be a little fibroma, which is not harmful and will probably just stay there.  Keep an eye on it, and if it changes in size or shape, ask the vet to check, or even biopsy it.  But if it doesn't change, I wouldn't worry.  Lots of rabbits get little fibromas that are completely benign.

Hope that helps!
