Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > my rabbits eye is swollen...

my rabbits eye is swollen...

22 10:27:49

Hi there. My name is Mary, and I've had a rabbit for 5 years now that I saved from people who were treated him badly. He means the world to me but about 5 days ago his eye swelled up & had a little bit of white fluid coming from it. I washed it & the swelling went down right away & he was back to normal in a few days. But just yesterday it started looking like more white stuff is coming out again and he isnt opening that eye as much as he opens the other eye. It is also a bit more pink then usual around the tip of the upper & lower lid on that eye. I really can't afford a trip to the vet, so is there any possible way, with the description I've given you above, if you could help me figure out what this is or could be ??? If I have to get to a vet, I will. Thanks !

Hello Mary

Unfortunately infections in the eyes can become pretty serious.  It is possible that he may have a problem with his back molars.  Often the first sign in swelling in the eyes.  As rabbits age their back molars tend to get spurs.  They can also get abscesses very easily and the problem with them is that rabbits have this natural ability to develop a think hard skin underneath the abscess to prevent from spreading.  The infection itself can still cause the bunny to become terribly ill.

I would strongly suggest that you take him to the vet.  I know that it is not always easy to afford a vet bill but rabbits can go down hill pretty fast.  If it cleared up but then came back that indicates to me that there is an infection of some sort.  If it is an abscess a culture and sensitivity test will be necessary to determine which pathogen is causing the problem.  Then the vet will be able to give the correct bunny safe antibiotics to get the problem under control.

I do wish I could help you but unfortunately there is not much you can do at home.  Often times treatments such as terramycin ophthalmologic solution can make the problem worse.  That would be about the only thing that could be at home but since he is your beloved pet I wouldn't even attempt it.

I do hope that he feels better soon.  Again I am sorry that I don't have a better solution for you.

