Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > i know you deal with rabbits but...

i know you deal with rabbits but...

22 10:41:08

I work at Petsmart and i brought a rat home that had a stroke. The vet can't do anything for her. She really skinny. But i am having a hard time feeding her,even through a syringe because she can't swallow. Any suggestions?

Dear Brenna,

You are very kind to want to help the sweet little rat.  I am not in favor of euthanasia for anything but a terribly painful, terminal condition.  But in this case, if the rat cannot swallow and the vet thinks this is not reversible (which is probably the case, if this is due to stroke), then it is possible that the only humane thing remaining is a gentle help into that good night from a kind, caring veterinarian.

If the rat cannot swallow, she cannot eat or drink. And a slow, miserable death will follow.  

I am sorry.  I wish I could tell you otherwise.

Thank you for caring for her, and--if it comes to that--giving her a peaceful end in the hands of a gentle person who cares about her.

Take care,