Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > How Do You Know If Your Rabbit Is Pregnant !!!!!

How Do You Know If Your Rabbit Is Pregnant !!!!!

22 10:31:59

Hi , My rabbit has been acting strange lately she follows my hand everywhere and licks it and she has never done that before and i went away for the weekend and when i came back there was clogs of fur everywhere in the hutch , but she wasn't just malting there was a lot of it and i am pretty sure she is pregnant i don't know when the babies are due . Now i have separated the male into another hutch and left the female in the original hutch where she has already made her bedding she keeps picking up the hay and her fur in her mouth and making her bed. do you know when she might be due ,

Dear Kristina,

If she is already making a nest, the birth will be in the next day or two.  Please read this for complete information on what to do:

Keep the male separate, but able to see his mate so they don't become unbonded.  He can impregnate her within the hour of her giving birth, which would be disastrous for her health and the safety of her first litter.  For complete information, please read:

I hope this helps.
