Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > whimpering


22 10:20:18

I have had for the past 7months 2 female rabbits Sooty and Sweep. About a month ago my little sister decided she would like a rabbit of her own so we bought her a female names Bab's. They all got on wonderfully but it was obvious who was boss, and this was Sweep. She has turned out surprisingly to be a very big rabbit. Around two weeks ago there was a female rabbit up for adoption and feeling sorry for her we took her in, only to discover just in time that she was actually a he. So we kept the male seperate from the females and had him nuetured, and after slowly integrated them. They all got on with each other fine but 2days ago I noticed that when the male went over to Sweep she would whimper or growl and then run away. He doesn't hurt her but she is very hostile towards him.
Why do you think this is? Is it possible its because she sees him as a threat to her position in the group? Is it possible shes pregnant and therefore moody? None of the other females have this problem.
I hope you can help


Sweep is pregnant.  She needs a large separate cage of her own.

Please separate the male from the rest of the females.  You are going to have a huge problem on your hands if you don't.  There is no need for more domestic pet rabbits, there is more supply for the demand.  Responsible pet rabbit owners get their rabbits spayed and neutered, and the rabbits also can generally get along better without the high hormone levels affecting their behavior.  Plus the female rabbits will live a lot longer, as most unspayed gals get uterine cancer by age 5-6 and die early.
