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Microchip & iceberg lettuce

22 10:14:22

My rabbit got a microchip last week.  It feels like it's part of his skin.  Is it normal?  

If I run out of other greens is it OK to use iceberg lettuce?  I feel it's better to use a bit of it if it does no harm.

Thanks in advance.

Dear Tom,

The microchip is, as its name implies, really tiny.  You probably won't be able to easily feel it under your bunny's skin.  

Iceberg lettuce is not recommended simply because it's one of the vegetables that retains the highest concentrations of pesticides.  It's also not got much nutrient content, being mostly water.  If you get organic iceberg, it would probably be fine.  But I would not use conventionally grown iceberg on a regular basis.

Hope that helps.
