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What is wrong with my rabbit

22 9:56:17

My rabbit is a brown and white butterfly rabbit. I have had
her for about 6 years now and I think she is about 6 years
old. She has always had a problem with losing fur on her
back end and all around her bum but just recently it has
started to come back. She has also stopped eating her food
and appears to be less aware of her surroundings. Do you
have an idea of what is wrong with her?

Dear Lucy,

Please read this right away:

and find a good rabbit vet here:

The fur loss may or may not have anything to do with her inappetence and disorientation, but it could be serious, and you need to have her examined in person right away.

You don't specify whether the fur loss is due to urine or poop on her back end, but these articles should help you narrow it down:

Hope this helps.
