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Fleas and rabbits

22 11:33:46

We acquired a rabbit from a county fair, I think it has fleas. What can I treat them with?  I have some bio spot for ferrets and cats, can I use that?

There's only a few treatments for rabbits that we know work.  One is Advantage for cats, another is Revolution for cats (both are available from a vet), and option C is to comb him and comb him with a flea comb until you get them all out.

If BioSpot's active ingredient is imidacloprid (the active ingredient in Advantage) or Selamectin (the active ingredient in Revolution) you could give it.  If it is anything else, I would not, some flea treatments including Frontline have been known to kill rabbits.

Combing the fleas out is effective, it just takes a lot longer.
