Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > Rabbits ear: swollen and crusty

Rabbits ear: swollen and crusty

22 10:07:59

we have a male rabbit thats ear is swollen, the hair has fallen off and it is thick and crusty all over it, it looks like whatever this is on his ear is starting to spread to the top of his head and down the back of his neck. He will not let you touch him so we wanted to know what we could put on him before we have to force him down. I have called the vets in my area, but they all say they do not have much experience with rabbits. Thanks

Dear Kelly,

I can't see the ear to confirm it, but this sounds like either ear canker or mange, both of which are caused by parasitic mites.  It's unusual for it to affect only one ear, but not impossible.  Please read:

and find a good rabbit vet here to properly diagnose and treat the problem:

Revolution is safe and effective, if this is mites.  DO NOT use Frontline, which is deadly to rabbits.

Hope this helps.
