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cut nose with pus?

22 10:32:28

Hi Andrea- We just got a baby bunny rabbit for Easter for our son. It is a small white pet rabbit. This morning it woke up with a cut on the bridge of his nose. We think he cut it on his metal food dispenser that came w/cage. The cut goes pretty deep into his nose. We don't have a rabbit vet close by. My husband cleaned the cut with hydrogen peroxide. It bubbled up tremendously. Now a huge amount of what we think is pus keeps coming out. It looks almost like glue. Also his ears have drooped down. We are wondering if this is pus coming from his nose and, if so, can we just keep it clen and let it drain and heal on its own?  Thanks so much. We would like to keep Skippy around for a long time. He appears fine otherwise - eating well and being very curious.

Hopefully keeping it clean will allow it to heal on it's own.  It does sound like it is pus coming out of the nose.  The one thing to watch for is if the area around the cut swells.  Then you will have to find a vet because that means an infection is occurring and only antibiotics from a vet will take care of it.  

You can also try putting some neosporin on it.  Make sure it's regular neosporin, not the plus kind.  Since rabbit pus is so thick, it may not help much, but enough might get through to help.

Just work on keeping it clean and hopefully it'll clear up.

But if it doesn't, you can try these links to see if there is a rabbit vet close enough for you to go to:

good luck with Skippy