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female rabbit seems mean

22 11:36:50

1) How will I know that she is ready to mate? and how long do I keep them together to guarantee a successful mating, without the death of my male?
2) How big of a cage does a dwarf rabbit really need?  Does the size matter if I consistently put the rabbit in the x-pen in backyard 3 times per week and hold her daily?  She definitely loves to run and jump in the x-pen.  I also put her in our outdoor '3ft by 4ft flight cage' when the other rabbits/guinea pigs are in the x-pen, so she can experience the outdoors in a safe place (no birds are in the 'flight cage' with her and she can see the other animals in the x-pen from this cage).  I am trying to find a happy medium between giving this female rabbit enough personal space and without taking up too much floor space of my house, as I currently have 4 cages in my house (1 female rabbit in 1 cage, 2 male rabbits in 1 cage, guinea pigs in other 2).
3) If I house 2 male rabbits (1 is 9wks & 1 is 7 wks) together in same cage, will they start fighting in the future?  They can see and touch noses with the female rabbit, as her cage is right next to door.
Followup To
Question -
I bought a female in January, which was 6 wks old (mix between netherland dwarf & holland flop). About 3wks ago, I bought a male (same mix), which was 5 wks old.  When I put them together in a neutral place, she goes after him and bites him, so I separate them quickly.  Last time, he was submissive immediately and she seemed to accept him.  He mounted her (on the side, the head, etc.) and she seemed to put up with him, but all of the sudden, she attacked him and didn't stop until I separated them. I need to understand the 'why' behind this behavior.  Also, she is very nice to humans and just sits in our laps and seems to enjoy petting. When I put her in the x-pen outside with my guinea pigs, she also bites and chases them.  I don't understand why she does this.  Please help!!!
Answer -
 With your rabbit being a female. Then you will get this problem alot. and plus with them coming into season it will get worse. Your female rabbit is also wanting her own space. So maybe you should put her in her very own run. But you could put the run near where u let your other animals out. So then she will be able to see them and wont be alone. and it will be better because she wont be able to bite them or attack them.
Female rabbits do like to have there own space. I do not like it when they have others in there space. It is very best to put her in a different run because as she comes more into season. The fights will get even worse. and could end up killing each other.

I hope i have helped.

         from amie

 You will know if your rabbit is ready to mate because she will get more aggresive then she mormaly is. When u put them togther for mating. Dont stand right near and watch because rabbits dont like being watched. Just stand behind a corner or something. but u must make sure u are somewhere u can watch because if they do fight u will have to stop them.

A raabit needs aboput 24X TO 24 size. If u want for more information on that then i will be glad to get u all the meaures on rabbit hutches.

There will be a chance that the 2 male rabbits will fight. If they can see the female rabbit then they will fight each other to get to the female. It would say it would be best to not have them togther. You can have them togther if they are brothers.

I hope i have helped. Let me no if there is anything else.

         from amie   good luck