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Gas build up

22 9:39:43


I spoke to you this week regarding bonding my female rabbit. We'll I have got a different question tonight. My rabbit has had the GI stasis a couple of times now and I know it's down to not enough fibre. Her hay she will eat has completely changed when I bought it Monday so thus week her hay intake has been minimal resulting in gurgling noises in her tummy which then she started stretching out. These are all the signs I watch out for to know she's getting gas build up. So I've massaged her tummy tonight, syringes water and made her move around rather than sitting. She hasn't picked up. Do you have any tips for tonight otherwise it's to the vets in the morning. But I can usually pass it with massage and water.


Hi Natalie

There can be other causes of bloat and GI stasis other than lack of fibre, including gut blockages caused by food or hair balls. If she's still very flat she really needs to go to an emergency vet, a good bunny savvy one if you can find one. She would need an examination, painkillers and other medication such as gut stimulant.

If you have no emergency vet and the bun feels bloated you could try baby Infacol or Gripe Water, but this is with caution as if it's a physical blockage the syringing of anything by mouth has the potential to make it worse! Infacol dose is about one syringe cap full I think, similar to a baby, but it's not something they can OD on.

Stasis and bloat can both kill, they really are serious!

Good luck!