Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > I have an abandoned baby rabbit on my hands.

I have an abandoned baby rabbit on my hands.

22 11:15:10

Dave,today as my mom, sister, and I were cleaning our pool our dog came across a rabbits nest. There were two to four baby rabbits in there. I was able to catch one of them and would like to know how to take care of it. The others ran and we couldn't find them. The rabbit fits in my palm perfectly,has all it's fur and it is old enough to hop on it's own. I would apperciate any adive you have.  

hi mary it willneed a large cage and it will need some basic rabbit food to eat also give it plenty of hay to make a bed.
truthfully you should not have moved them as the mother would have been out looking for food but as they ran away it seems they can manage without her.